
Are you PlanCrazy?

If you believe in plans, then you’re crazy!  Why? Plans are crazy?!  Plans are fiction. Nobody ever truly follows “the plan.”

And because the future is full of twists and turns nobody predicted — which will change the plan — what’s the point of having a plan anyway?!

Dwight Eisenhower said it best:

“Plans are worthless, but planning is everything.”

The PlanCrazy Mission

PlanCrazy is a site dedicated to helping you do the planning you need to be successful in business and in life.

PlanCrazy is particularly focused on helping business owners and startup founders write great business plans.

PlanCrazy will eventually be a source for a wide variety of business planning tools… from effective marketing and sales plans, to monetization and revenue plans, to leadership development plans and even team development plans.  For now, the focus is on business plan writing. (If there’s a particular business tool or plan that you want soon, email curt@leadpeople.com.)

Business Plan Writing

What’s the first thing you think of when I say “Business Plan Writing”? I bet it’s this: “yawwwwnnnnn…”. Right? Huh? Wake up already!

 “If you’re failing to plan, you’re planning to fail.” ~ Benjamin Franklin

PlanCrazy’s focus is helping entrepreneurs write a great business plan so that they can secure the funding needed to jumpstart success, make a lot of money, be successful and generally enjoy life.

PlanCrazy offers free business plan templates, free business plan examples and samples. So sign up to download a free business plan template that is structured to help you focus on the most important areas of business planning. Forget the painful way(s) to write a business plan.

Help Writing Your Business Plan

Smart entrepreneurs know when to do the work themselves, and when to outsource work to others. Business plan writing is no different. There are certain aspects of business plan writing that the founders must get involved deeply in, especially related to their vision of the future.

But who says founders need to write it? Formatting, elegant prose, wordsmithing, financial calculations, can be huge time-suck — and not the highest and best use of a founder’s time.   Nobody said you need to be the one to write your business plan.

Unless you’re one of those strange people who love writing instead of building your company (and that’s a bad sign), you should outsource as much of the business plan writing as you can.

But either way, you must get “the plan” out of your head and into an appealing and useful format that investors and key stakeholders can see and understand. They’ll want to hear you talk from your heart about your plan, but they will also want to hold your plan and see if it makes sense.

Business Plan Writing Services

Creating a business plan is usually pretty hard, but it doesn’t have to be so painful. Sure, there’s a lot of thinking to do, but once the hard thinking is done, getting it into a formal written plan shouldn’t be so hard.  To help you get your plan out of your head, PlanCrazy offers a variety of business plan writing services, summarized here.

  1. Business Plan Templates (from free to premium)
  2. Business Plan Samples and Examples (free)
  3. Business Plan Writing Sounding Board Interviews (hourly rates apply)
  4. Business Plan Writing Coaching (Individual 1:1 calls; hourly rates apply)
  5. Business Plan Group Coaching (5-10 participants per call; monthly and yearly membership plan)
  6. Business Plan Custom Templates (project based fee; contact for pricing)
  7. Business Plan Formatting and Editing (project based fee; contact for pricing)
  8. Full Business Plan Writing Services (project based fee; contact for pricing)

Free Business Plan Templates

To learn more about PlanCrazy’s free and paid business plan templates, go to the Business Plan Template page.

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